
I’ve always loved art, ever since I was a little girl. I find that images and colours spill out of my head and onto canvas or paper! Being a full-time primary teacher, painting can often be a welcome change from my busy routines, and I find freedom in spending time in my studio (also known as my sister’s room!) to create. I love painting seas and skies , and am fascinated by the colours and shapes cloud formations can show.

After rediscovering painting in 2018, I spent time investing in my style and experimenting with different mediums. Artwork can be a tool to help navigate some of life’s biggest challenges, and I found creating was a valuable therapy to help bring me through a difficult season. I made a huge amount of mess and created some expressive canvases during that time, which will always remain very special to me.

In 2019 I launched ‘Jessica Anne Art’ officially and began creating art for other people’s homes as well as my own. When the nation locked down in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I found myself in lockdown on my own, as many others were. Fortunately, the online art community, and my friends and family were always there (remotely!) and I was blessed to receive an increasing number of commissions for abstract paintings. Since then, I’ve grown Jessica Anne Art, exhibiting several times and developing my series, ‘Revive’, ‘Hope’, ’30’ and ‘Grace’.

Artwork can be a tool to help navigate some of life’s biggest challenges, and I found creating was a valuable therapy to help bring me through a difficult season. I made a huge amount of mess and created some expressive canvases during that time, which will always remain very special to me.

Growing up a Christian, I’ve always been aware that there are different styles of worship and prayer, and that individuals develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I often paint with worship music on, and find biblical verses and song lyrics an inspiration for my artwork. It’s a privilege to receive commissions from people who wish to have a painting that can help capture some of their spiritual journey. My prayer is that you may experience a personal connection with my artwork, and that it can speak to you in some way.

My army of cheerleaders and supporters have always been invaluable to me: My family, friends, St Michael-le-Belfrey Church, my God ‘family’, the wonderful colleagues and children at work, and of course the community of local artists which we are so fortunate to have in York. The way in which I can begin to pay you all back for your love and support is by carrying on painting!

God bless,

Jess x o x o