Welcome to Jessica Anne Art

Hello! Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy browsing.

Often gravitating towards an abstract style, I use a variety of paint techniques in my creative process.

Explore my latest series, ‘Grace’

For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16–17

Open for commissions

Contact me to enquire about a personal and unique piece of art for your home. I’m currently available for Spring 2025 commission slots.

Collections and Exhibitions

Collections, exhibitions and other highlights from the archives


A collection of thirty paintings to celebrate my 30th birthday, exhibited in April 2023.

Pecha Kucha 20×20

It was a pleasure to share some of my art story at York Creative’s Pecha Kucha.

Psalms – Prints Available

Connect to the book in the Bible which has guided millions of people through life’s toughest challenges. I pray you find encouragement in my landscape series on The Psalms.

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